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Topic I: 3D printing, AR, MR in student education

New learning and teaching media can complement our work as lecturers and trainers and enrich the transfer of knowledge for students. The present offers a wide range of possibilities for this and it is interesting and important for everyone involved to evaluate the potential of the corresponding method and to examine its added value.

The following studies will be used to apply the possibilities of 3D printing, AR (the pure viewing of additional image information) and MR (possibility of additional interaction) and to impart specialist knowledge.The comparison with conventional teaching is an indispensable and valuable tool here.

Study 1: Application of 3D-printed models to illustrate neurosurgical clinical pictures and treatment strategies
Study 2: Use of augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) via Hololens data glasses in student education

Topic II: AR, MR in the neurosurgical operating room

The subject of independent software development is the integration of data glasses or other media into preoperative planning or intraoperative application. Conventional neuronavigation is the benchmark against which augmented or mixed reality must be measured.

Procedures are to be developed and tested for their suitability in practice that allow the surgical site to be registered and the contours of structures of interest to be reproduced. The end point and orientation should be guided, i.e. navigated neurosurgery with the familiar precision and reliability offered by current procedures in their routine application.

Study 3: Comparative considerations of conventional navigation vs. AR/MR in the OR with regard to access planning and intraoperative localization of findings

Topic III: Use of 3D printing in the context of patient education

Due to its properties and availability, 3D printing allows for a wide range of applications and is of growing interest, e.g. to investigate the influence of a patient-specific 3D model on the understanding of disease and insight into therapy.

In particular, this type of presentation of findings should have an impact on doctor-patient communication and understanding in the context of the informed consent discussion for planned operations or interventions.

Studie 4: Bewertung des Benefits von patientenindividuellem 3D-Druck (Gefäß-, Tumorpathologie) im Rahmen der Patientenaufklärung

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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available.

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Get in touch

Cybersteel Inc.
Address: 376-293 City Road, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94102

+1 212 333 4444

+1 212 333 8888


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Copyright 2025. Universität Leipzig, Medizinische Fakultät, Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurochirurgie.
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